Pdot[0]=Q_angle - P[0][1] - P[1][0];// Pk-' 先验估计误差协方差的微分
Pdot[1]=- P[1][1];
Pdot[2]=- P[1][1];
//更新协方差矩阵 其中
* state_update is called every dt with a biased gyro measurement
* by the user of the module. It updates the current angle and
* rate estimate.
* The pitch gyro measurement should be scaled into real units, but
* does not need any bias removal. The filter will track the bias.
* A = [ 0 -1 ]
* [ 0 0 ]
* Compute the derivative of the covariance matrix
* (equation 22-1)
* Pdot = A*P + P*A' + Q
P[0][0] += Pdot[0] * dt;// Pk- 先验估计误差协方差微分的积分 = 先验估计误差协方差
P[0][1] += Pdot[1] * dt;
P[1][0] += Pdot[2] * dt;
P[1][1] += Pdot[3] * dt;