
标题: 串口问题,,求大神 [打印本页]

作者: 光头    时间: 2013-7-30 19:37
标题: 串口问题,,求大神

#include <hidef.h>          /* common defines and macros */
#include "derivative.h"     /* derivative-specific definitions */
#include <MC9S12XS128.h>

#define ROW     40          //定义图像采集行数:40行
#define COLUMN  120         //定义图像采集列数:120列

unsigned char Image_Data[ROW][COLUMN];    //图像数组
unsigned char VSYN_C=0;         //场数统计值
unsigned int Line_C=0;          //行数统计值
unsigned char m = 0;
unsigned char  Interval;        //采集有效行数间隔
unsigned char  THRESHOLD=0x45;  //黑白二值化图像阈值(经验值,随环境光变换而变化)

void  Delay_1us(unsigned char t)
unsigned char i;

** 函数名称: PLL_Init
** 功能描述: 时钟初始化函数
** 说明:     总线时钟选定24M
void PLL_Init(void)
  CLKSEL=0x00; //24mhz
  SYNR=0XC0 | 0X05;
  REFDV=0XC0 | 0X03;
  while(0==CRGFLG_LOCK); //锁相环锁定
** 函数名称: TIM_Init
** 功能描述: 行场中断初始化函数
** 说明:     行中断上升沿触发  场中断下降沿触发
void TIM_Init(void)
TIOS =0x00;        //定时器通道0,1 为输入捕捉
TSCR1=0x80;        //定时器使能
TCTL4=0x09;        //通道0 捕捉上升沿通道1 捕捉下降沿
TIE=0x03;          //通道0,1 中断使能
TFLG1=0xFF;        //清中断标志位
** 函数名称: SCI0_Init
** 功能描述: 串口1初始化函数
** 说明:     波特率115200  串口SCI0
void SCI0_Init()
SCI0BDL = (byte)((24000000 /* OSC freq /2*/) /115200  /* 115200baud rate */ / 16 /*factor*/);
SCI0CR1 = 0X00;  //设置SCI0为正常模式,八位数据位,无奇偶校验                                
SCI0CR2 = 0X0C;                                      /*RIE=1,TE=1,RE=1, */

/*void Image_Binaryzation(unsigned int row)  ////双数组模式 图像处理时选用
  unsigned char *p_Image;
  unsigned char *q_Image;
    {*(q_Image++)=*p_Image; }  

** 函数名称: 串口发射端程序
** 功能描述: 发送图像采集像素到DEMOKtool
** 说明:    在发送图像数据前要按照协议发送0XFF图像头
void SCI0_Transmit(void)
  byte temp;
  unsigned char i,j;
  temp = SCI0SR1; //清零
  SCI0DRH = 0;
  SCI0DRL = 0XFF;             //图像头0XFF
  while (!(SCI0SR1&0x80));
  for(i = 0;i< ROW;i++)
    for(j = 0;j < COLUMN ;j++)
     //if(Image_Data[j]>THRESHOLD && Image_Data[j+1]>THRESHOLD && Image_Data[j-1]>THRESHOLD)  SCI0DRL = 0x30;
     //if(Image_Data[j]>THRESHOLD)  SCI0DRL = 0x30;
     // else SCI0DRL = 0X31;    //黑线
      if(Image_Data[j] == 0xFF)  Image_Data[j] = 0xFE;  //若为图像头 自减
      SCI0DRL =  Image_Data[j];
      while (!(SCI0SR1&0x80));
// SCI0DRL = 0X0A;           //回车
// while (!(SCI0SR1&0x80));
//  SCI0DRL = 0X0D;           //换行
//while (!(SCI0SR1&0x80));

** 函数名称: main
** 功能描述: 主函数
** 说明:
void main(void)
/* put your own code here */
  DDRA = 0X00;
  DDRB = 0xFF;
  PORTB= 0xFF;
  PORTB = ~PORTB;    //指示程序运行
  //_FEED_COP(); /* feeds the dog */
  } /* loop forever */
/* please make sure that you never leave main */
** 函数名称: 中断处理函数
** 功能描述: 行中断处理函数
** 输    入: 无
** 输    出: 无
** 说明:  
interrupt 8 void HREF_Count(void)
  TFLG1_C0F = 1;
  if ( m<6 || m>240 )      
Image_Data[Line_C][0] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][1] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][2] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][3] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][4] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][5] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][6] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][7] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][8] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][9] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][10] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][11] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][12] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][13] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][14] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][15] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][16] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][17] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][18] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][19] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][20] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][21] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][22] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][23] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][24] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][25] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][26] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][27] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][28] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][29] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][30] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][31] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][32] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][33] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][34] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][35] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][36] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][37] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][38] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][39] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][40] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][41] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][42] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][43] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][44] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][45] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][46] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][47] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][48] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][49] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][50] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][51] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][52] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][53] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][54] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][55] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][56] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][57] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][58] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][59] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][60] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][61] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][62] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][63] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][64] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][65] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][66] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][67] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][68] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][69] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][70] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][71] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][72] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][73] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][74] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][75] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][76] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][77] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][78] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][79] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][80] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][81] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][82] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][83] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][84] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][85] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][86] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][87] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][88] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][89] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][90] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][91] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][92] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][93] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][94] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][95] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][96] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][97] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][98] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][99] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][100] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][101] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][102] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][103] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][104] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][105] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][106] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][107] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][108] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][109] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][110] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][111] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][112] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][113] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][114] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][115] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][116] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][117] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][118] = PORTA;
Image_Data[Line_C][119] = PORTA;
** 函数名称: 中断处理函数
** 功能描述: 场中断处理函数
** 输    入: 无
** 输    出: 无
** 说明:  
interrupt 9 void VSYN_Interrupt(void)
  TFLG1_C1F = 1; //清场中断
  TFLG1_C0F = 1; //清行中断
  Line_C = 0; //行计数器
  VSYN_C = ++VSYN_C;

作者: wanbinqs    时间: 2013-8-1 14:09
作者: 光头    时间: 2013-8-2 15:27
作者: 春日迟迟    时间: 2013-10-2 09:32

欢迎光临 智能车制作 (http://dns.znczz.com/) Powered by Discuz! X3.2