【MK60DN512VLQ10 】倍频问题
2015-1-31 14:32
【MK60DN512VLQ10 】倍频问题
本帖最后由 [JACE] 于 2015-1-31 14:34 编辑
【MK60DN512VLQ10 】倍频问题
int pll_init(int crystal_val, //外部时钟输入频率
unsigned char hgo_val, //For Low Power
unsigned char erefs_val, //选择内/外时钟
signed char prdiv_val, //分频系数
signed char vdiv_val, //倍频系数
unsigned char mcgout_select) // Use or not the output from this PLL as the MCGOUT
unsigned char frdiv_val;
unsigned char temp_reg;
unsigned char prdiv, vdiv;
short i;
int ref_freq;
int pll_freq;
// check if in FEI mode
if (!((((MCG_S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) >> MCG_S_CLKST_SHIFT) == 0x0) && // check CLKS mux has selcted FLL output
(MCG_S & MCG_S_IREFST_MASK) && // check FLL ref is internal ref clk
(!(MCG_S & MCG_S_PLLST_MASK)))) // check PLLS mux has selected FLL
return 0x1; // return error code
// check external frequency is less than the maximum frequency
if (crystal_val > 50000000) {return 0x21;}
// check crystal frequency is within spec. if crystal osc is being used as PLL ref
if (erefs_val)
if ((crystal_val < 3000000) || (crystal_val > 32000000)) {return 0x22;} // return 1 if one of the available crystal options is not available
// make sure HGO will never be greater than 1. Could return an error instead if desired.
if (hgo_val > 0)
hgo_val = 1; // force hgo_val to 1 if > 0
// Check PLL divider settings are within spec.
if ((prdiv_val < 1) || (prdiv_val > 25)) {return 0x41;}
if ((vdiv_val < 24) || (vdiv_val > 55)) {return 0x42;}
// Check PLL reference clock frequency is within spec(2M - 4M).
ref_freq = crystal_val / prdiv_val;
if ((ref_freq < 2000000) || (ref_freq > 4000000)) {return 0x43;}
// Check PLL output frequency is within spec(现改为48M-250M).
pll_freq = (crystal_val / prdiv_val) * vdiv_val;
//if ((pll_freq < 48000000) || (pll_freq > 100000000)) {return 0x45;}
if ((pll_freq < 48000000) || (pll_freq > 250000000)) {return 0x45;}
// configure the MCG_C2 register
// the RANGE value is determined by the external frequency. Since the RANGE parameter affects the FRDIV divide value
// it still needs to be set correctly even if the oscillator is not being used
temp_reg = MCG_C2;
temp_reg &= ~(MCG_C2_RANGE0_MASK | MCG_C2_HGO0_MASK | MCG_C2_EREFS0_MASK); // clear fields before writing new values
if (crystal_val <= 8000000) //高频 设置
temp_reg |= (MCG_C2_RANGE0(1) | (hgo_val << MCG_C2_HGO0_SHIFT) | (erefs_val << MCG_C2_EREFS0_SHIFT));
else //超高频 设置
temp_reg |= (MCG_C2_RANGE0(2) | (hgo_val << MCG_C2_HGO0_SHIFT) | (erefs_val << MCG_C2_EREFS0_SHIFT));
MCG_C2 = temp_reg;
// determine FRDIV based on reference clock frequency
// since the external frequency has already been checked only the maximum frequency for each FRDIV value needs to be compared here.
if (crystal_val <= 1250000) {frdiv_val = 0;}
else if (crystal_val <= 2500000) {frdiv_val = 1;}
else if (crystal_val <= 5000000) {frdiv_val = 2;}
else if (crystal_val <= 10000000) {frdiv_val = 3;}
else if (crystal_val <= 20000000) {frdiv_val = 4;}
else {frdiv_val = 5;}
// Select external oscillator and Reference Divider and clear IREFS to start ext osc
// If IRCLK is required it must be enabled outside of this driver, existing state will be maintained
// CLKS=2, FRDIV=frdiv_val, IREFS=0, IRCLKEN=0, IREFSTEN=0
temp_reg = MCG_C1;
temp_reg &= ~(MCG_C1_CLKS_MASK | MCG_C1_FRDIV_MASK | MCG_C1_IREFS_MASK); // Clear values in these fields
temp_reg |= (MCG_C1_CLKS(2) | MCG_C1_FRDIV(frdiv_val)); // Set the required CLKS and FRDIV values
MCG_C1 = temp_reg;
// if the external oscillator is used need to wait for OSCINIT to set
if (erefs_val)
for (i = 0 ; i < 20000 ; i++)
if (MCG_S & MCG_S_OSCINIT0_MASK) break; // jump out early if OSCINIT sets before loop finishes
if (!(MCG_S & MCG_S_OSCINIT0_MASK)) return 0x23; // check bit is really set and return with error if not set
// wait for Reference clock Status bit to clear
for (i = 0 ; i < 2000 ; i++)
if (!(MCG_S & MCG_S_IREFST_MASK)) break; // jump out early if IREFST clears before loop finishes
if (MCG_S & MCG_S_IREFST_MASK) return 0x11; // check bit is really clear and return with error if not set
// Wait for clock status bits to show clock source is ext ref clk
for (i = 0 ; i < 2000 ; i++)
if (((MCG_S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) >> MCG_S_CLKST_SHIFT) == 0x2) break; // jump out early if CLKST shows EXT CLK slected before loop finishes
if (((MCG_S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) >> MCG_S_CLKST_SHIFT) != 0x2) return 0x1A; // check EXT CLK is really selected and return with error if not
// Now in FBE
// It is recommended that the clock monitor is enabled when using an external clock as the clock source/reference.
// It is enabled here but can be removed if this is not required.
// Configure PLL
// Configure MCG_C5
// If the PLL is to run in STOP mode then the PLLSTEN bit needs to be OR'ed in here or in user code.
temp_reg = MCG_C5;
temp_reg &= ~MCG_C5_PRDIV0_MASK;
temp_reg |= MCG_C5_PRDIV0(prdiv_val - 1); //set PLL ref divider
MCG_C5 = temp_reg;
// Configure MCG_C6
// The PLLS bit is set to enable the PLL, MCGOUT still sourced from ext ref clk
// The loss of lock interrupt can be enabled by seperately OR'ing in the LOLIE bit in MCG_C6
temp_reg = MCG_C6; // store present C6 value
temp_reg &= ~MCG_C6_VDIV0_MASK; // clear VDIV settings
temp_reg |= MCG_C6_PLLS_MASK | MCG_C6_VDIV0(vdiv_val - 24); // write new VDIV and enable PLL
MCG_C6 = temp_reg; // update MCG_C6
// wait for PLLST status bit to set
for (i = 0 ; i < 2000 ; i++)
if (MCG_S & MCG_S_PLLST_MASK) break; // jump out early if PLLST sets before loop finishes
if (!(MCG_S & MCG_S_PLLST_MASK)) return 0x16; // check bit is really set and return with error if not set
// Wait for LOCK bit to set
for (i = 0 ; i < 4000 ; i++)
if (MCG_S & MCG_S_LOCK0_MASK) break; // jump out early if LOCK sets before loop finishes
if (!(MCG_S & MCG_S_LOCK0_MASK)) return 0x44; // check bit is really set and return with error if not set
// Use actual PLL settings to calculate PLL frequency
prdiv = ((MCG_C5 & MCG_C5_PRDIV0_MASK) + 1);
vdiv = ((MCG_C6 & MCG_C6_VDIV0_MASK) + 24);
// now in PBE
MCG_C1 &= ~MCG_C1_CLKS_MASK; // clear CLKS to switch CLKS mux to select PLL as MCG_OUT
// Wait for clock status bits to update
for (i = 0 ; i < 2000 ; i++)
if (((MCG_S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) >> MCG_S_CLKST_SHIFT) == 0x3) break; // jump out early if CLKST = 3 before loop finishes
if (((MCG_S & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK) >> MCG_S_CLKST_SHIFT) != 0x3) return 0x1B; // check CLKST is set correctly and return with error if not
// Now in PEE
return ((crystal_val / prdiv) * vdiv); //MCGOUT equals PLL output frequency
} // pll_init
2015-1-31 14:36
本帖最后由 [JACE] 于 2015-1-31 14:38 编辑
2015-1-31 14:49
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